African American Black

Lee Middleton Doll African American 26 Straight leg Toddler Redressed

Lee Middleton Doll African American 26 Straight leg Toddler Redressed
Lee Middleton Doll African American 26 Straight leg Toddler Redressed
Lee Middleton Doll African American 26 Straight leg Toddler Redressed
Lee Middleton Doll African American 26 Straight leg Toddler Redressed
Lee Middleton Doll African American 26 Straight leg Toddler Redressed
Lee Middleton Doll African American 26 Straight leg Toddler Redressed
Lee Middleton Doll African American 26 Straight leg Toddler Redressed
Lee Middleton Doll African American 26 Straight leg Toddler Redressed

Lee Middleton Doll African American 26 Straight leg Toddler Redressed
I'll be listing quite a few of my dolls, therefore the information in this area of my listings will be general so I can use the same template. I advise you to consider the photo's a large part of the description. The item pictured is the one you will receive.

Consider photo's part of the description. Everything included will be photographed.

I have acquired my dolls over the years, all after the company was out of business. So, only a couple were ever in brand new condition to me. They will arrive ready for display, fresh and clean from a smoke free home. Any items not brand new are in excellent condition, having been adult owned/displayed.

I've spent a great deal of time preparing them for sale. I'll be listing A LOT of additional clothing and accessories as well, check back, as I continue to add listings. I appreciate you looking and hope you'll find a doll or accessories to compliment your collection, it's a fun hobby!

Lee Middleton Doll African American 26 Straight leg Toddler Redressed