The scrapbook is not in great condition as you can see, but it has kept safe these great photos. The best one in my opinion was the photo taken on, dated, November 1, 1943, at Camp Atterbury on the parade ground. Camp Atterbury is a federally owned military post, licensed and operated by the National Guard, located in South Central Indiana, 4 miles west of Edinburgh, Indiana and U. This is a genuine glossy photo with some creasing/bends throughout the picture. There are two enlarged, copies of these military musician men.
Written in cursive, on the photo in what seems to be black ink pen/marker are the 25 men's names and position in order of the photo lines. They are playing musical instruments. My understanding is that this was The 196th U. Army Ground Forces Jazz Orchestra. The first page when opening the book there are three photos, one on the left inner page "says, "taken Mid 1950's and then there are two on the right page. The next pages have three photos followed by the next page which has a larger musicians orchestra photo. On the following side is one photo plus two advertisements for Charlie Johnson. The last page has one advertisement in a cardboard blue index card style size for the Century Boys, the two blown up photos as shown in pictures, are both containing the same men. One is in action and one is just a photo of everyone. These are very interesting and unique.